
Our Careers Team:

  • Sam Keep – Associate Assistant Headteacher (Lead for Careers Education)
  • Alison Morley - Work Experience Co-Ordinator
  • Lorena Miles - UCAS Administrator
  • Sally Baker – Independent Careers Advisor 

Our careers team can be contacted via or by ringing 01202 486237 during school hours.

To request a careers appointment, students should contact Careers via their tutor or PSHE teacher, or by emailing her directly using their school email. Parents can also request an appointment on behalf of their child using the details above.

Please click on the images below to find out more about our Careers Guidance service.

Careers   Students Careers   Parents
Careers   Staff Careers   Employers

Open Days and Events

For open days and events please click below for dates and further information.

Open Days and Events

Key Documentation:

For more updates and information, you can also follow our careers team on Twitter: