
There are three main bursaries for students to access:

General Bursary of £1,200 which goes to:

  • people in care
  • care leavers
  • people claiming income support
  • disabled young people who receive Employment Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance 

Discretionary bursary 

These are payments made by Twynham School. Most of these payments will be equivalent to approximately £40 a week. The school also has the right to provide lump sums or smaller weekly payments. In order to be fair in the allocation of these funds, the following criteria will be used for identifying who is eligible:-

  • Students who are eligible for free school meals
  • Students who are within the Discretionary Bursary Fund criteria (see below).

Specific Bursary Support 

This fund provides financial support at specific times for a student during their course of study. This may include a change in circumstances that creates an immediate need for financial support. See details below.

Application deadlines

Applications for the General Bursary and the Discretionary Bursary need to be made by the last day of September and payments will be backdated to the start of term.

Applications for Specific Bursary Support can be made at any time during the course of the academic year.

Specific Bursary Support Fund

This fund is available at any time during the academic year and is provided as a ‘one off’ payment to the student. This fund is aimed at those students who face a change in circumstances that creates specific financial problems of a short term nature.

Applicants need to complete a ‘Specific Bursary Support Fund’ form. Applications are then considered by a panel comprised of the Headteacher, the School Resources Manager and the Director of Sixth Form.

Discretionary Bursary Fund Criteria

The Discretionary Bursary is available to students whose total household income is equal or less than £25,521 to support their learning whilst at Twynham Sixth Form.  This can be applied for to support with Transport, Books and equipment and Educational Trips.  Where possible payment of these would be managed internally (e.g. direct payment for the Sixth Form Bus service) but where this is not possible, termly payments will be made to the receiving student via their bank account. 

Click here to apply for a Discretionary Bursary

A student who is successful in their application will, so long as they comply with the terms of the bursary such as attendance and behaviour expectations, receive this for the academic year. Year 13 students who received a bursary in Year 12 will need to reapply at the start of their second year. If nothing has changed they will need to complete a Year 13 form

PLEASE NOTE: If you are applying for a bursary for the Sixth Form Bus you need to ensure you also complete the Bus Sign up application form. Both of these forms MUST be completed in the first week of term.

It is imperative that the Discretionary Bursaries are received by the end of September.  This is because we allocate the fund based on the number of applications we receive.  If your application is late, there is a risk that there will not be funds left to support you.

We do hold back a limited fund for Specific Bursary applications during the academic year.  If you did not receive a full bursary or didn’t apply at the start of the year and something arises that you need support with (for example a Trip or a textbook), a Specific Bursary application can be made at any time, although payment is not guaranteed.  A specific bursary application should be requested from the Sixth Form Office.