
Why Drama?

This course focuses on working with plays from the point of view of a director, a designer, a performer and a critic. The qualification is designed to enable you to acquire a knowledge and understanding of the language of drama and theatre as well as to develop your performing and analytical skills.

This qualification has the support of higher education institutions as a specialist qualification for Drama and Theatre-related courses. Equally, it provides a worthwhile experience for students wishing to use it as part of the entry requirements into other subject areas. It is a very useful qualification for students wishing to pursue a career that involves communication, leadership and people-oriented skills.

What do I need to know?

Exam board: We study AQA Drama.

Entry Requirements: As well as the standard Sixth Form requirements, you must also have grade 5 or above in GCSE Drama or Performing Arts, or relevant Drama exams/experience. It is desirable to have recent experience in performance.

What is the work like?

As an example of the kind of work that you will cover during the A-Level course, please find to the right the pre-A-Level material that we asked Year 11 to complete before starting their Drama course with us in September 2020.

Pre A-Level Drama

Who do I contact if I have any questions?

Mr Meredith will be happy to answer any questions that you might have. You are welcome to email him on simon.meredith@twynhamschool.com.

To ask a Drama student more about the course, please email student@twynhamsixthform.com and they will be happy to help you.

Curriculum Information


Component 1 – Drama and theatre (40% of the A Level, 80 marks).

What we do: The practical and academic study of two very different set plays. An experience of a live production in order to analyse and evaluate the performance.

How it is assessed: Open book written exam. 3 hours.

Component 2 – Creating original drama (30% of the A level. 60 marks).

What we do: Create a high quality piece of devised drama that has a clear influence from a well-known theatre practitioner.

How it is assessed: A working notebook (40 marks). Devised performance (20 marks).

Component 3 – Making theatre (30% of the A Level, 60 marks).

Practical exploration and interpretation of three extracts from three different plays. Study of a theatre practitioner to apply to the third extract.

How it is assessed: Performance of the third extract to an examiner (40 marks). Written reflective report (20 marks).

Additional Costs

We provide:  In class access to:- 

All related resources, power points, accompaniment resources, video and film resources.

Other costs:  To be met by students

Two theatre trips that are compulsory, costing approximately £30 per trip.