Physical Education

Why PE?

Physical Education introduces you to the changes within the body systems prior to exercise, during exercise and in recovery. It focuses on how skill is required and the impact of psychological factors on performance. You will gain knowledge and understanding of the interaction between, and the evolution of, sport and society.  

As the course progresses into Year 2, you will investigate the adaptions of the body systems through training and lifestyle, and undertake biomechanical analysis of sporting movements. You will gain an understanding of the role that sports psychology plays in optimising performance of elite athletes, and how the development of technological advances impacts sport today.  

What do I need to know?

Exam board: We study AQA Physical Education.

Essential entry Requirements: As well as the standard Sixth Form requirements, you must also have two grade 5s in GCSE Combined Science, or single subject Biology at grade 5 or above, and to be actively participating in a sport relevant to the specification to club level.

Key Content: During Year 1, we cover the topics of Applied Anatomy and Physiology, Skill Acquisition and Sport and Society. In Year 2, we move on to Exercise Physiology and Biomechanics, Sports Psychology, Sport and Society, and Technology in Sport. Please note that you will be assessed on your practical ability to participate in a sport, demonstrating attacking, defending skills and tactical awareness to the best of your ability. This is accompanied by a detailed biomechanical analysis of your performance.

What is the work like?

As an example of the kind of work that you will cover during the A-Level course, please find to the right the pre-A-Level material that we asked Year 11 to complete before starting their PE course with us in September.

Pre A-Level Physical Education

Who do I contact if I have any questions?

Mr Jones will be happy to answer any questions that you might have. You are welcome to email him on

To ask a PE student more about the course, please email and they will be happy to help you.

Curriculum Information


Paper 1: Factors affecting participation in physical activity and sport. 35% of qualification.
Paper 2: Factors affecting optimal performance in physical activity and sport. 35% of qualification.

Practical Performance in physical activity and sport. 30 % of qualification. 

Extra-Curricular opportunities

Sports Science trip to Bath University.

Opportunity to play Real Tennis at Canford School

Additional Costs

We provide:  In class access to:- 

AQA A Level PE for year 1 978-147-1-85956-4

AQA A Level PE for year 2 978-147-1-85959-5

Other costs:  To be met by students

An additional cost of a £5 deposit for a core textbook will be required. 

Additional optional trip to Bath University.

Subscription to PE Review £15.