The Year 9 Options Process

What is the Year 9 Options Process?

The Year 9 options process involves parents, students and staff working together to decide the best subjects for students to study at Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11). 

This is an exciting opportunity to reflect on the future aspirations of our students, allowing them to consider the pathway they will take to post-16 education. We want students to make the best choices for their future success and, as such, this programme of study requires careful consideration. The options process has therefore been carefully designed to encourage students to be reflective and support them in making informed and balanced decisions.

Getting the right combination of subjects is crucial at this stage. To guide you, we have put together a series of information and aimed to answer a lot of the most common questions in this collection of web pages. You will also see from the step by step guide that there a number of opportunities to discuss these decisions with staff who will offer support and guidance to your child throughout the options process.

Should you have any questions regarding your child's choices, please contact your child’s tutor or Head of Year in the first instance.

Should you have any questions around the process itself or regarding your access to make choices, please email in the first instance.

What is a broad and balanced curriculum?

It is important that we ensure that all students follow a broad and balanced curriculum that is appropriate for their academic ability. 

All students will study the core subjects.

The majority of students will also continue to study a modern foreign language (either French or Spanish) and either geography or history, meaning they can choose two further optional subjects.

The section titled ‘Choosing your options’ includes more information on how to access the online options portal. Students will be able to log in and see which subjects they must continue to study and which are available as options.

How will students be supported?

Students will be supported by their tutor, subject teachers and senior members of staff throughout the options process and they will be given support and advice through their PSHE lessons.

Options Process Key Dates

January 2025

  • 23rd - Year 9 Parents' Evening

February 2025

  • 6th - Options Evening. Evening event at the school to launch the option process to parents and students
  • The options process is also explained to students in assembly
  • In PSHE lessons students are given information and guided through the options portal
  • Students find out more about option subjects during normal lessons

June 2025

  • Options are confirmed and are sent to parents